Friday, January 20, 2006

Driving Miss Crazy

I had the first (of many, I'm sure) scary driving experiences in the winter snow of Colorado. Snow does funny things to cars. A dry snow feels like you're driving on the beach, a wet snow gives you the creeps & dont even get me started about ICE. Let's just say that if you don't use your brakes just the right way, they kinda lose their purpose.

First thing in the morning today, I drove Miss Crazy out of my complex & following my usual habit of braking hard right near the intersection, I stared in disbelief as she didnt even slow down an inch and kept skidding along, right onto the road. Scary moment. Thankfully none of her girlfriends were out on that road yet.

About an hour and a half later, two blocks away from my office, I see a RED, I see the car in front of me slow down. I tell Miss Crazy to do that too. Twenty meters from the light, I see that car starting to wobble, so we brace ourselves. Braking slowly and steadily I feel that we'll stop before hitting that guy. But suddenly, she kinda speeds up & I realise, we have hit the same icy patch on the road that guy did. And then begins the twist and turn of the steering wheel (Sorry sweetheart, I promise...Never again!) to avoid colliding with everyone. And just as her front wheels clear the ice, her ass just gives away and we make the shortest U everrrrr. Now, I'm facing the cars follwing me, holding my breath for god knows how long. But those people are smart. After seeing my antics, my follower stops his car just short of the icy patch, waits for the traffic in the neighboring lane to clear up and smoothly sails by. I'm left speechless.

Moral of the story: Whenever it snows this bad, leave Miss Crazy home!

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