Saturday, November 05, 2005

This is not a religious rant but...

...this moron absolutely blew my lid off.
He is so ragingly "anti-right-wing" as he calls himself that he proclaims to kick any conservative's ass who might stumble upon his poor excuse for a website, thereby proudly upholding his "Gandhian" principles that he wants to so passionately adhere to. Missed is the fact that, he is so conservative in his own views that he totally neglects any positive points that might be in the views of the other side.

Let's just consider the first one (I could actually provide counter claims to every single event in his so called hall of shame)
  1. Distribution of 75,000 Trishuls by Hindutva forces:
Very funny, considering that I don't see a single word being said about the millions of Bibles and stories of Jesus Christ that are distributed FREE by the missionaries not only in India but all over the world and to children under the age of 10 nonetheless. I myself have been a recipient of quite a few of them actually. The organised campaign to exploit the economically backward by giving them assistance and converting them to Christianity (under the blatantly false pretense of altruism) has been going on for decades if not centuries. I guess Mr. Krish was soundly asleep then, snoring his ass off. His whole persona reeks of hypocrisy which is so typical of any conservative. So, going by his super-algorithm or flowchart or whatever it is,

"Conservatism –> Fundamentalism –> Terrorism",

it's ASS-KICKIN' time folks, coz we finally found a terrorist.

The sad part of the whole situation these days is, such wannabe-liberal-yuppies don't know the meaning of the word "liberal" in the first place. To be a liberal, you have to be able to entertain a thought without needing to accept or reject it. Why is it always that anyone who claims to be a liberal absolutely has to be anti-hindu (with the sole exception of me AFAIK)??? Why this collective outburst against the one religion that has survived the test of time?? Here's a pop quiz, name one unprovoked act of aggression in the history of humanity that could be blamed on Hinduism. By and large, hindus are generally passive in nature. Of course there are always bad apples but then should you really blame the tree for that?

Don't get me wrong, I am not a zealot ...... but I'm no atheist either. Yes, I do believe in GOD but then I also believe that GOD was a monkey.

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