Friday, November 11, 2005

I'm a sucker for Cameron's movies

Elizabethown is simply an awesome, awesome movie. I have never felt so emotionally attached to one movie. Maybe it was the tragedy, maybe it was the music, maybe it was Kirsten Dunst saying things like "You're already breaking up with me & we're not even together." in her own cute little way. The whole movie has a warm rustic feel to it. A small town ambience that I have personally experienced in Boulder. People living laid back lives so much different from the constant hustling & jostling that comes prepackaged with a big city life. Not that I haven't lived that life but time makes the human mind a little resistant to change. For the 22 years, I had lived in Bombay(now Mumbai) where people literally *lived* on-the-go. I had become used to that. After that, 3 years in Boulder has slowed things down for me which frankly I did not like initially. But now I absolutely LOVE it. It has allowed me to appreciate life a lot more than before. I think I have matured as a person more so in the last couple of years than all those spent in Bombay.

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