Saturday, October 30, 2004

The Five things I think, I think

  1. What is it with girls and musicians?? Why is it that these dudes, no matter how crappy they look or how shambled their life is, manage to score chicks...ALWAYS??
  2. Even though we may have evolved as a life-form on this planet, there isn't really an absolute definition of the good or the bad. Its always judgemental.
  3. Jamie Foxx is a lock for the Best actor's Oscar this year. Period.
  4. The following quote from John Phillips seems so apt for the Boston Red Sox right now.

  5. Happy is the man who void of cares and strife,
    In silken, or in leathern purse retains,
    retains a splendid shilling.

  6. Baseball is my new religion and Curt Schilling my new GOD.

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