Saturday, October 30, 2004

The Five things I think, I think

  1. What is it with girls and musicians?? Why is it that these dudes, no matter how crappy they look or how shambled their life is, manage to score chicks...ALWAYS??
  2. Even though we may have evolved as a life-form on this planet, there isn't really an absolute definition of the good or the bad. Its always judgemental.
  3. Jamie Foxx is a lock for the Best actor's Oscar this year. Period.
  4. The following quote from John Phillips seems so apt for the Boston Red Sox right now.

  5. Happy is the man who void of cares and strife,
    In silken, or in leathern purse retains,
    retains a splendid shilling.

  6. Baseball is my new religion and Curt Schilling my new GOD.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Of Streaking & Plagiarism

No, I am not talking about people running naked on football fields. I am talking of the win streaks that are going on around the sports world. Is this a mere coincidence or is there some divine hand in this? The Patriots have gone more than a season without a loss and across the Atlantic so have Arsenal FC. Hell, even the Red Sox have gone 5 games without a loss (albeit this achievement does pale in comparison to the other two). Not so long ago, these three teams were perennial underdogs to their bitter rivals and as of today they shine atop the pinnacle of glory. I am going out on a limb for the RedSox by assuming that they would win the World Series. Actually a loss wouldn't hurt me as much as beating the Yankees brought me joy.

I happened to see "Phir Milenge" the other day. 10 minutes into the movie I was like "Oh NO! Not again. Yet another shameless rip-off." Sometimes, I really do wonder if these people have even an iota of conscience left in them?? Or are they actually paying the Hollywood guys money to to borrow their storyline? Or are the Hollywood guys that damn ignorant? And even after having such a superb storyline like 'Philadelphia' they completely screw it up with the most inept acting performances. Salman-I can't-cry-without-making-you-laugh-Khan hardly ever looks weak and debilitated in the movie neither from his looks nor via his acting. Shilpa Shetty seems to shed a truckload of tears at the drop of a hat every time she sees him. The only saving grace was AB Jr. whose carefully rehearsed speech at the end could have only been given in English for it to have any kind of credibility. Overall, what could have been a brilliant adaptation ends up as an also-ran.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Does money really buy success??

As I watched the American League Championship series conclude with THE GREATEST COMEBACK ever, one of my long-standing beliefs was justified. You cannot 'buy' success with money and as Ross from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. would say, "You could try but you wouldn't succeed." I guess Steinbrenner just found that out for a second year in a row.

The Yanks had the finest lineup that could be possibly assembled, this year as well as the last, but on both occasions they failed to win the ultimate prize in major league baseball and this time failing at the penultimate step. As if the 'steals' of Roger Clemens and Jason Giambi in the recent past weren't enough, they went ahead and acquired the highest paid player in baseball today. Load up all the talent you want Georgie-boy, you aint gonna win if you don't use your head. Having the right kind of personnel matters more these days than having the most talented (supposedly) ones.

Baseball is not the only sport to demonstrate this fact and neither is America the only place. A glaring example of embarassment of riches is Real Madrid - whose elections have quite the resemblance of their Indian counterparts with lots of promises and assurances being made. Only difference, the elected ones actually live up to them. A midfield that boasts of Beckham, Zidane and Figo should not have any reason to lose a single match. Yet as I write this, the club is languishing in the bottom half of the La Liga.

As much as I pride on myself for realising this fact, I rue it equally. If it weren't true, then India as an ultimately rich, cricket-crazy nation would have gotten some of the success that is deserving of their talent.

Monday, October 11, 2004

busybee or lazybee??

This post has been a long time coming. Somehow, whenever I decide to blog, a sudden laze comes all over me and I manage to put it off. Anyways, I have taken to a new hobby...I am learning to Tango :D.