Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fate it seems, is not without a sense of irony

Another snowy day in Colorado, a different kinda driving experience. I still am not quite used to driving in the snow one day and in bright sunshine the next. Both need different driving styles, as I have realised now. And I haven't quite managed to switch modes on the fly.

So, after it snowed overnight to leave a thick coat on the morning roads, I was perfunctorily driving down the road to Boulder when I saw the light turn yellow at a distance. I just hit the brakes without so much as a modicum of thought. (Caffeine deficiency in the morning does cloud my judgement at times.) As expected, the rear end of the car gave away and I ended up taking a right turn that I don't usually take. Thankfully, there were no cars around. No harm done.

But this was just the 'cause'...the 'effect' was yet to come.

While driving back home, I was still on the busy streets of Boulder when it was deja vu all over again. The lights turned yellow just when I was at that uncertain stretch, not knowing whether to go or stop. The morning's event flashed through my mind and I realised that if I hit the brakes, I was sure to skid and hit the cars in the neighboring lane before coming to a halt (All this thinking in a matter of a second...caffeine helps, you see! ) But if I speeded up instead, I would break the red surely and yet pass the intersection before the other cars had begun to even move.

So, being the good samaritan that I am (thinking of damage to *other* cars before mine), I hit the gas and just as I crossed the light..... FLASH, FLASH, FLASH. The paparazzi were on to me.

As luck would have it, the intersection had a Photo-Light.

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