Friday, February 24, 2006

Ominous signs

Orkut and through it my friends, rate me at 80% sexy yet only 60% trusty.

I guess the question then is:

Are you what people *think* you are ?? OR

Are you what you *know* you are??

Aaah....the vagaries of public perception.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Religious rant - II

This guy just doesn't let go.

The only reason I dont allow anonymous comments or comments without registration is because of all the advertising spam that I receive on my blog. So, if you really do want to opine, 2 mins of your time with a fake email address is enough to register with blogspot. Justifying the obvious lack of thought as is evident from your current post, with some trivial excuse, is totally lame.

I wasn't justifying the act of distributing trishuls as the right thing to do. But all your rants were singularly anti-Hindu(even though they were not against me personally as you claim) with not a single word against the atrocities of any other religion. That is something I found to be quite hypocritical. If there indeed are other writings about those, would you be kind enough to point them out to me so that I can have a better insight into your *ideology* ?

If you still dont understand the meaning of hypocrisy, then you dont know the meaning of the word liberal as well. To be a liberal you kind of have to refrain from any *extreme* opinions about anything, which you obviously dont do. So, when you say you are a liberal and you have extreme views on matters, you are actually being a hypocrite. I hope I am making myself clear enough because if this doesnt get through then I dont think anything else will. And pray what exactly did you find hypocritical in my post?? Just calling me a hypocrite doesnt make me one. You actually have to prove it like I did.

Contrary to what you might believe, I am not a fundamentalist. Hell, I wouldnt do my morning prayers everyday even when my father beat the crap out of me. But I am indeed proud of my heritage and culture and I obviously dont appreciate it when its maligned without any purpose, thought or justification by people like you.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fate it seems, is not without a sense of irony

Another snowy day in Colorado, a different kinda driving experience. I still am not quite used to driving in the snow one day and in bright sunshine the next. Both need different driving styles, as I have realised now. And I haven't quite managed to switch modes on the fly.

So, after it snowed overnight to leave a thick coat on the morning roads, I was perfunctorily driving down the road to Boulder when I saw the light turn yellow at a distance. I just hit the brakes without so much as a modicum of thought. (Caffeine deficiency in the morning does cloud my judgement at times.) As expected, the rear end of the car gave away and I ended up taking a right turn that I don't usually take. Thankfully, there were no cars around. No harm done.

But this was just the 'cause'...the 'effect' was yet to come.

While driving back home, I was still on the busy streets of Boulder when it was deja vu all over again. The lights turned yellow just when I was at that uncertain stretch, not knowing whether to go or stop. The morning's event flashed through my mind and I realised that if I hit the brakes, I was sure to skid and hit the cars in the neighboring lane before coming to a halt (All this thinking in a matter of a second...caffeine helps, you see! ) But if I speeded up instead, I would break the red surely and yet pass the intersection before the other cars had begun to even move.

So, being the good samaritan that I am (thinking of damage to *other* cars before mine), I hit the gas and just as I crossed the light..... FLASH, FLASH, FLASH. The paparazzi were on to me.

As luck would have it, the intersection had a Photo-Light.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Born on the 2nd of August

Some people I share my birthday with:

Kevin Smith (YAY!!)

Lamar Hunt (without him we wouldn't have had the NFL)

Peter O'Toole (need I say more?)

Wes Craven

and last but not the least...

Sara Foster (of "The Big Bounce" fame, she's one cute hottie)

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Match Point

I believe in the law of averages - you have to -. Life is full of nice little surprises that almost make you feel guilty. But then, life can also be so incredibly unfair that the only thing you have left is a belief that something's eventually gonna go your way. *Hope* is the ultimate equalizer.

I had the distinct pleasure of experiencing both the feelings - all in a day's work.

On my longish 35 mile drive to work everyday, I have seen countless number of people being pulled over for speeding on one particular section of the freeway. One day it would be my time too, I always thought. The empty road on a routine bright'n'sunny day (Yes, we have more than 300 of those every year) literally begs, screams for SPEED. 50 - doesn't do justice to either the road or the automobile. But this is not where the incident occured, infact, far from it.

Now, normally I am a very safe driver (other than speeding on empty roads of course) with a clean record. So, what happened was ... something of an anomaly. I was getting late for an appointment at 7 in the evening. Naturally , I was stepping on the gas, without realizing that I was going through a school-zone.

I got pulled over promptly.

It was almost like three strikes in one shot...driver with a middle-eastern look (due to my goatee), driving at 40mph in a 20mph zone & the most glaring of all...not having the current insurance papers in my car (I had very conveniently forgotten to put in an updated copy after I renewed my policy in November). "I'm in for big, this time", I thought to myself.

So the cop came around, took a long, hard look at me and asked for my drivers license. After my record checked out to be okay, he came back and spoke in a very sinister tone, "Sir, I caught you at 40 in a school zone. You should thank your stars that the school's done for the day. Else you would have been in serious trouble now. In this case, I'm going to let you off with just a warning."

I couldn't believe what I had heard. Putting on the most apologetic of faces, I regurgitated the same old cliche, the one I had practised tons of times for this very moment, "I'm extremely sorry officer. I assure you, it won't happen again." Me getting caught...I meant :P

A wise man once said 'Sometimes it's better to be lucky than to be good'. While, I've been on the bad side of that statement more than a few times, this was the first time I was on the 'good'. Atleast, I couldn't put it down to anything other than luck.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Golden, CO

Downtown Golden, CO
Originally uploaded by akhil1980.

Cozily nestled between two mountains.