Saturday, August 13, 2005

Can my blog be pre-emptively nostalgic??

It's not a fancy-schmancy story with a happy ending. Nor is it a thank-you note where I should be expected to remember each and every little detail. It is an account of exactly what I feel at a certain moment when I finally take the pains to pen down the thoughts that have been going on in my head for the past 'X' days. X can be anywhere from one to a million days.

On an entirely different issue, I'm leaving Boulder today. Filled with happy memories but also sad thoughts. For three years I have lived here and it has become a second home to me. Funny how you can get attached to place so easily but realise the attachment, the belonging... only when its time to leave. When I came here, Boulder welcomed me with opened arms & now as I leave, I just wish those arms would close, hugging me in a embrace so tight as to not let me go. But I cannot be that selfish. Those arms have to remain open to welcome in another group of students from lands equally far as mine. Bye, Bye Boulder...I'll miss you. But wherever I go, I will ALWAYS call you home.


Toni Farley said...

So, how far did you go? I thought you were staying local?

Akhil said...

Local to Colorado ..yes....As much as I tried...I could only go so far as Denver :)