Friday, August 26, 2005

Talking toooo much

For the first time in 18 months of cellphone use here in the US, I exceeded my monthly quota of 600 mins. And not only that, I spoke for a good 30 more minutes after that, before realising that I had indeed overused. And the irony of the whole situation is...the last call that I made (which lasted those 30 extra mins) was very much postpone-able since today is the last day of the billing cycle.


Toni Farley said...

I agree. You talk to much. I have 300 minutes, and have only gone over once. And that was when V was still around. I don't even get close now. Should downgrade my plan in fact :)

Akhil said...

Or maybe I could use YOUR minutes...would be such a shame to lose all that airtime all the while.