Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Pain is temporary as long as it lasts

How do you live with the pain ....

....of realising that the Red Sox never won a world series in your lifetime, as you lie on your deathbed??

....of seeing the Red Sox go all the way the very next year after your loved one passed away??

....of committing the ultimate folly -- falling in love with your best friend, only to see it not materialize??

....of listening to everyone yap about how you two are perfect for each other, when the one person you want to, doesnt realise that.

....of the realisation that no matter what you do or try, your best friend will be just - YOUR BEST FRIEND !!!

Having seen people go through these ordeals, I can only hope that GOD doesn't have anything even remotely similar in store for me.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Faith No More !!!

The whole fortune thing turned out to be a damp squib after all. I was out the whole day trying to 'make-something-happen'. I got nothing, nada...ZILCH. Why is it that I always expect the impossible to happen and then get hugely disappointed when it doesn't?? Maybe I should give up all expectations. Maybe I should stop showing faith in things after all, maybe even people . Time and again, this has been the bane of my existence. Thats it. FAITH NO MORE people !!! Everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Here's to Mr. Akhil doubting-thomas Deodhar. Hip Hip Hurray !!!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Fortune favors the Cookie !!!

Here is my fortune for today on Orkut:

"Society prepares the crime: The criminal commits it."

I pity the poor, hapless soul who's going to be my victim.

But who could that possibly be ?? I am really mad at a coupla people, maybe I could bump 'em off. DRAT !!..they're too far away and my remote control is kinda 'unavailable' these days.

Shheeeeeeeeeesh !! Why the hell am I penning this down right now? Crimes are supposed to be written as memoirs not itineraries.

So, more on this tomorrow. And if you don't see any further posts, you know what happened ;)