Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Home Sweet Home !!!

It feels good to be back !!

Everything kinda happened in a hurry. One fine day I woke up and decided that, no matter what, I was going to India this summer. Searching for tickets in June, I actually found that the May ones were much cheaper and here I am ...back home in May...for a month.

In the 2 years that I have been away, so much seems to have changed around here and yet so much still seems the same. An irony of sorts. While, almost every other person on the road seems to be carrying a cellphone, it still takes a good 45 mins to reach Ghatkopar from VJTI by road.

People talk of a "culture-shock" when they go to the US from India....I guess after living there for 2 years, what I am experiencing right now in Mumbai could be aptly termed as "reverse-culture-shock". Boulder is a very small, cosy town - a total contrast to the fast paced life in Mumbai. Even though its almost been a week since I came here, I am still, only just, getting used to it.

So many new joints have sprung up everywhere in Mumbai - from the Baristas and the Cafe Coffee Days to the Big Bazaars. Heck, I think I even saw a SUBWAY someplace.

Another funny thing that I have noticed is how "less expensive" everything seems around here. When you go to the US you always tend to think in rupees and how atrocious that price tag of $3.99 seems on your first latte. And now, even the most priciest of coffees in Barista is under 100 bucks...SWEET!!!

Well, this is just my first week here..with 3 more to go..so hopefully I'll have lots more things to talk about.